The measurement in centimeters is the measurement of your child's foot, on a flat surface.
We suggest choosing exact size for a mid-season boot and one size above for a winter boot.
Mid-season and winter boots are made from the same mould, but the added felt in the winter boot makes it slightly tighter. For example, for a child with feet of 18 cm, we recommend to buy an 11 in for mid-season and a 12 for the winter boot. When in doubt, do not hesitate to contact us, we will be happy to help you!


What is Second-Hand?

Second-Hand is a dedicated area of our stores where you will find items that, despite light imperfections like traces of impact, missing pieces, or defects, deserve a second chance.

Why choose Second-Hand?

How does it work?

Steps taken before selling our products

1. Sorting

2. Inspection

3. Remanufacturing

4. Taking photos of imperfections

5. Pricing accordingly

6. Selling